Polk County in North Carolina uses area code 828. This page is a phonebook directory where you will find the physical address and contact information of the most relevant government offices in Polk, including the Clerk’s Office, Sheriff’s Office, and the Health Department.
164 Government Complex Drive
(off Hwy. 108)
Columbus, NC 28722
Phone: (828) 894-3001
95 Walker Street
Columbus, North Carolina 28722
Phone: (828) 894-5464
Fax: (828) 894-2797
1 Courthouse Square
Columbus, North Carolina 28722
Phone: (828) 894-8231
Fax: (828) 894-5752
1 Courthouse Square
Columbus, North Carolina 28722
Phone: (828) 894-8231
Fax: (828) 894-5752
Columbus, North Carolina 28722
Phone: (828) 894-3301
51 Walker St.
Columbus, NC 28722
Phone: (828) 894-8500
40 Ward Street
Columbus, North Carolina 28722
Phone: (828) 894-3158
40 Courthouse Street
Columbus, NC 28722
Phone: (828) 894-6342
Fax: (828) 894-2913
56 West Howard Street
Tryon, North Carolina 28782
Phone: (828) 859-9566
Fax: (828) 859-0356
161 Walker Street
Columbus, NC 28722
Phone: (828) 894-8271
Fax: (828) 894-8678
40 Courthouse Street
Columbus, NC 28722
Phone: (828) 894-3301
Fax: (828) 722-5222